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Herbologics, S.A. 8345 NW 66th St., #7093 Miami Florida 33166-2626 United States
(786) 671-6752

Office Hours: for calling purposes

Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (CST)

Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (CST)

[If you reach our voicemail, please leave a message and we will return your call.]
International Mailing Address:
Office | Manufacturing Facility
Casilla 09-04-99 P
Guayaquil, ECUADOR
Toll-Free Fax (from U.S.): (888) 450-7909
General Herbal Questions and Delivery Inquiries
[Please do not hesitate to WRITE US]


Products are now shipped from Guayaquil, Ecuador or the United States -- at very competitive rates and delivery schedules.

Since we are able to provide a comparable product list for Amazon Salve , Old Amish Dewormer, Neem and Acemannan products from other vendors -- some of our former products are not being shipped into the United States. We will continue to ship our other available products into the United States.

For the latest store availability, please see our order center. Our product line-up now consists of roughly 160 of the more than 350 product items (or SKU's) we previously carried. Approximately 40 additional products (including products from our old order form) are planned for release in the future.